Goodreads Challenge: August Update

I’m so close to my goal I can smell it. I’m not going to change it though, I’m just going to let the count roll over 350 and see how far over the number I get when the end of the year hits.

Right now I’m a little discouraged because I’m on a three DNF (did not finish) book run. I’m struggling a little to get into this fourth book as well, but I’m not gonna give out the names or authors. I put some of them into Goodreads on my DNF shelf, so if you’re curious, you can always look ’em up. Let’s hope the book I’m reading right now will nab me soon and I’ll be able to get into it.


Okay, so let’s talk about the books I’ve read recently. I was really impressed with Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. I gave it five stars on Goodreads – and it was truly five full stars for me. Crouch’s descriptions of alternate worlds were so vivid, at some times bleak, and at some times deceptively lovely – I found myself lost in his words.




Mr. Corporate by J.A. Huss came out last week, so I gobbled it up right away. I’ve been loving this series, but book three was a little disappointing. There’s an underlying arc throughout the books, but the “Hero,” in this case, Mr. Corporate (West), wasn’t someone I liked much. I’m not ditching the series at all, because it’s been really good so far, but this one just didn’t do it for me. I gave it three stars. That’s mostly for the arc that spans the series, not the couple that’s featured in this book.


It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover was gut-wrenching, and unsettling, but in a good way. She has a way of tackling really heavy subject matter in a way that challenges the reader, and makes you fall in love (or out of love) with all of her characters. I was left almost bereft after I put this book down and had to take some time before starting another one. It was truly an amazing story. I gave it four and a half stars.



Jasinda Wilder’s latest, Yours, was also crazy good. I try not to miss any of her books, and I’m glad I didn’t overlook this one. I was skeptical at first, because the plot sounded a little bit like the movie “Return to Me,” however, even though there were similarities, it was easy enough to ignore them and fall into this story in it’s own right. Just lovely. This also got four and a half stars.



Lastly, I’m going to end with a book that really surprised me. Not that I didn’t expect to like it, I just didn’t know I’d like it as much as I did. I’ve got several of her books on my TBR shelf, and I finally got around to reading one of her works. It just happened to be Heartless by Winter Renshaw. After finishing this, I’m definitely going to make sure to bump her other books up my list. Heartless was cute, funny, and even had some angst thrown in to round everything out. This book got a solid four stars from me.


So that’s my update. Hopefully I’ll stay more regular with my posts – and hopefully you’re still interested in them. I’ve really dug the Goodreads challenge, because it’s encouraged me not only to read and keep track of what I’ve read, but to find books that I might not have read otherwise.
